About FAAS

The Faculty of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (FAAS) at i-CATS University College stands as a dedicated hub for academic excellence and innovation in the realms of agriculture and applied sciences. Committed to addressing global challenges through sustainable practices, FAAS offers a range of programs that blend scientific knowledge with practical applications. Among its flagship offerings are the Diploma in Plantation Science and the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agrotechnology, providing students with a comprehensive education that spans the intricacies of plant science, agriculture technology, and sustainable agro-practices.

FAAS distinguishes itself by nurturing a learning environment that encourages critical thinking, hands-on experience, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between agriculture and the environment. Through these programs, the faculty aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the advancement of agriculture, sustainable resource management, and the development of innovative solutions for the challenges facing our global food systems. FAAS stands as a catalyst for aspiring individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the agricultural landscape, fostering a community dedicated to creating a sustainable and resilient future.

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