About FTH

The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality (FTH) is dedicated to preparing students for dynamic careers in the thriving tourism and hospitality industry. Our comprehensive programs are designed to provide a solid foundation and practical skills essential for success in this vibrant and global field. The Diploma in Hotel Management equips students with the knowledge and expertise required to excel in hotel operations, emphasizing customer service, management, and the intricacies of the hospitality sector. Another key offering, the Diploma in Culinary Arts, focuses on honing culinary skills and creativity, preparing students for diverse roles in the culinary world, from restaurants to catering services.

For those aspiring to take on leadership roles in the tourism and hospitality industry, the Faculty offers the Bachelor in Tourism & Hospitality (Honours) program. This comprehensive degree program integrates theoretical knowledge with practical experience, fostering a holistic understanding of the industry. Students engage in coursework covering areas such as tourism management, hospitality operations, and strategic planning, preparing them to contribute innovatively to the evolving landscape of tourism and hospitality on both local and global scales. The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of industry leaders, combining theoretical expertise with hands-on skills to ensure graduates are well-prepared for the exciting and dynamic challenges of this ever-evolving sector.

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